
Are You Pregnant? Stay Away from These Foods!

pregnant woman

The Buyt Desk

There is no bond as special as the bond between a mother and her child. For a span of 9 months, the child gets nutrients from the mother’s blood supply that is like two people living in one body. As a mother, you will go beyond your capacity to take care of your child. While we know that a pregnant woman should eat a nutritious diet, but it is equally important to know what not to eat.

Here is a list of foods to avoid during those 9 months.

Fruits – Papaya, Pineapple, Grapes

Fruits provide vitamins, minerals, and natural sugars. When it comes to a healthy and nutritive diet, fruits top the list. Nonetheless, certain fruits should be avoided during pregnancy.

Unripe or raw papaya contains latex that can induce premature contractions. This means it can cause a miscarriage.

Enzymes present in Pineapple can also induce premature contractions. Moreover, this fruit is known to cause diarrhea.

Grapes can induce heat in the body. Definitely, avoid them during the final trimester. Keep the intake to a minimum during pregnancy to reduce the risk of any complications.

Seafood having a high level of mercury

Like fruits, seafood is a highly nutritious food. It provides a good supply of proteins and omega-3-fatty acids. According to FDA, a pregnant woman should not eat fish that has high amounts of mercury. This can harm the nervous system of the baby. Bigger fishes tend to have high mercury levels. Avoid eating Bigeye tuna, king mackerel, marlin, orange roughly, and swordfish during pregnancy.

Unpasteurized foods

Let us list out some unpasteurized foods:

  • Unpasteurized milk

  • Soft cheese made from unpasteurized milk like blue cheese, brie, or feta cheese

  • Unpasteurized juice

Be sure to remove these from your diet during pregnancy. They have a high moisture content and can very well support the growth of foodborne germs like listeria. Foodborne infections may cause miscarriage, stillbirth, or make the baby ill.


You may already be aware that alcohol should be avoided at any cost during pregnancy. It can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, or fetal alcohol syndrome. Scientific research has not established any permissible limit on alcohol intake during pregnancy.

Excess amount of Caffeine

Having less than 200mg of caffeine in a day is suitable for a pregnant woman. It is best to restrict yourself from having coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, and chocolates while you are pregnant. Ask your doctor for advice on how much amount of tea or coffee will not affect your baby’s health.

Raw and undercooked fish and meat

Canned foods like meat spreads, raw fish like sushi, raw eggs, etc. can be a source of bacteria and parasites. During pregnancy, the body is more susceptible to infections. Infections can not only make the mother quite uncomfortable but might also make the baby ill.

Along with avoiding these foods, ensure to follow your doctor’s advice to the hilt during pregnancy. We tend to eat food refrigerated for a day or so. During pregnancy, it is best to eat only fresh and properly cooked. We hope you have a happy pregnancy and are blessed with a healthy baby!

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