
Effective and Quick Ways to Enter Ketosis


The Buyt Desk 

Ketosis, a natural metabolic state is achieved when the body uses fat as an energy source instead of glucose. Getting into this stage needs a strict diet.

The ketogenic diet is a very famous low carbohydrate diet and is commonly known as Keto. It was started as a treatment for epilepsy and other neurological disorders.  Today it is widely used to lose weight and manage blood sugar levels. The ketogenic diet demands higher calories obtained from fat, moderate protein intake and restricted carbohydrate consumption. Following this diet will force the body to switch its fuel source from glucose to fats. Fat is broken down into ketones and other compounds which will act as fuel to generate energy. By this, the stored body fat starts to break down and fat loss is achieved while maintaining the blood sugar level.

Being on keto you can quickly shed some weight and that is the reason that Keto is famous. It also promotes HDL and reduces blood sugar, triglyceride levels and insulin. For the body to enter ketosis it takes some time. Each body is different and each takes a different period to start the ketosis process. It can range from anywhere between a day to a month. The sooner you enter ketosis, the sooner you will start losing fat. So, many want to achieve ketosis faster.

How to effectively and quickly enter ketosis?

  • Drastically reduce the carbohydrate consumption

Ketosis starts when the body lacks carbohydrates and has no glucose. Carb quantity should be no more than 50 grams per day and for some, it might be even less than 10 grams. When the body has no carb supply, it will start breaking down stored body fat. Some might find it difficult to enter ketosis and such should stick to carbs less than 10 grams per day. Strict monitoring of carb intake is a must to be in ketosis. Even a slight increase in carb intake will throw the body out of ketosis.

  • Maximizing physical activity

The more energy expenditure demands more fuel and thus more fat is broken down to ketones. Exercise will need more energy and fat is used to generate energy. Each person needs a different amount of activity and the time taken is different. Maybe you will experience exhaustion initially until the body adjusts to a new way. Physical activity is a must to reduce glycogen stored in the body.

  • Fasting for short periods

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a way to quickly reach a state of ketosis. Doctors might advise some to fast for a day or two to initiate the ketosis process. But not all need fasting. IF is also helpful in managing obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, a few cancers and neurological disorders. IF is not advisable for all so do consult your doctor before starting on IF.

  • Increase healthy fat intake

Replace carbohydrates with a good amount of healthy fats. To enter ketosis, start consuming 80% of calories from healthy fat through foods like avocados and avocado oil, nuts and seeds, fatty fish, such as salmon, flaxseed oil, eggs and olive oil. Make sure to limit your intake of saturated and trans fats. Intake of high-quality fats should drastically increase.

  • Test ketone levels

Ketone is present in urine, breath and blood when the body enters ketosis. One can track the progress of ketosis by measuring ketones and accordingly make adjustments to the diet and physical activities. Tests to measure ketones can be done at home using a home kit similar to that of checking blood sugar levels. Test ketone levels regularly to keep track.

  • Ensure protein intake

When on keto you should eat more fat than protein. Protein consumption depends on an individual’s activity level and body weight. And it is said to have a minimum of 1 gram of protein per kg of body weight.

  • Have more MCT oil

Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) oil will help in attaining ketosis faster even when you are consuming less fat. Even when you are a little off keto diet, MCT will help you to be in ketosis.

  • Limit eating out

You cannot track carbs in food available outside. So it is better to avoid eating out.

  • Check for hidden carbs

One usually overlooks condiment ingredients. Always read the label for calories and carb content in store-bought products, especially sauces and dressings.

Summing up

The keto diet is not advised for everyone even though it helps in weight loss. Generally, it will take 2-3 days to kick in ketosis but some may take weeks too. This time taken depends on an individual’s metabolism, metabolism, existing diet and physical activity levels. Measure your ketones to track them better. But before everything else consult your doctor before starting the keto diet and intermittent fasting.

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